More than half the population of Britain likes the idea of one day building their own home. The trouble is, it’s usually quite complicated, and often it’s incredibly difficult to find a suitable plot of land.
All that will change when the huge Graven Hill redevelopment project gets underway.
The site is big enough to accommodate more than 1,000 self build homes. And there is the potential to provide a really wide variety of types and sizes; big individual plots for grand designers or smaller plots for people on more modest budgets.
There could also be opportunities for groups of people to work collaboratively to build their homes, perhaps creating a block of low cost apartments, or a terrace of eco homes.
In other countries its quite normal for people to organise their own homes this way. The Graven Hill site will be the first large-scale project of its type in the UK. So you could be a pioneer – a trailblazer for a new way of delivering customised homes and empowering communities.
Registration will only take a few minutes and it will ensure you will be the first to be notified of the opportunities on the site. The information you provide will also help us work out how to plan the future layout of the site, and how much land to allocate to the different types and sizes of self build homes.